Employee Spotlight: Frank Keffer
Frank Keffer, Electronics Foreman at Falcon, first came to the Trib from Columbia Gas - Pipelines Division. Frank was finishing IT school and was working in a temporary position with Columbia. While waiting for a permanent position, he applied to the Trib in Greensburg to help set up the intranet system. Later, due to his electronics background, Frank was asked to help install the new press electronics at Newsworks. He has been working with the presses ever since!
The best part of Frank's job is "the challenge of sleuthing out electronic problems as they develop."
Frank also created and maintains the Remember Connellsivlle Facebook page. He researches and posts information on the history and people who built the city of Connellsville, PA.
In his spare time, Frank enjoys hiking the Pennsylvania woods with his friend who happens to hold a forestry/ornithology degree from Penn State.
Frank plans to ultimately retire to his log cabin house in Grove City with his wife Denise and spend winters in the south and travel the country with their 30' 5th wheel travel trailer.